Hey there! I'm Lorraine Nichols, a certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
™, Functional Supplement Specialist, and the founder of Primally Balanced. I believe that optimal wellness is achieved by addressing the root cause of health concerns and supporting the body holistically, with a bio-individual approach. I also hold a strong opinion that an evolutionarily consistent diet through animal-based nutrition is ideal for overall wellness and prevention of dysfunction in the body. A root cause approach may focus on one or more areas, including optimal nutrition, proper digestion, blood sugar regulation, stress management, improved sleep hygiene, movement, and/or mindset.
I created Primally Balanced in 2017 out of a desire to help others balance their bodies in a way that I once needed. Throughout my life, in many different stages, I have experienced various health related issues; weight gain, inability to lose weight, depression, anxiety, fatigue, adrenal dysfunction, hormone imbalances (including estrogen dominance), PCOS, severe unexplained back pain, tendonitis, gallstones, acute pancreatitis, anti-depressant usage, and hormonal birth control.
Between 2007 and 2013, I was married to the most supportive husband, Harry, and we had two beautiful daughters. As with all new moms, sleep was minimal and stress was high. I developed adrenal dysfunction, depression continued from my adolescent years, and the weight piled on. I didn't recognize myself anymore and knew I needed a change. Due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, I had stopped all prescriptions. I wasn't sure where to turn, but somehow innately knew that nutrition and movement were key to my recovery. I decided that enough was enough. I needed answers and prescriptions were not an option.
In 2013, I found
Emily Schromm, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and fitness coach. She became my mentor for a number of years, and ultimately someone I call a friend today. She completely rocked my world by instilling in me the power of proper nutrition and functional movement. I will forever be grateful for the knowledge she has given me. Em played a foundational role in my introduction to a truly balanced life. She encouraged me to apply to the
Nutritional Therapy Association where I could continue my education in the hopes of helping others, as she helped me.
In 2016, I was able to regain balance by supporting my body naturally through nutritional therapy and functional movement. I also included topical essential oil blends that I personally formulated for targeted adrenal and mindset support. In 2017, I wanted to share those
Functional Oil Blends with the world and Primally Balanced was born.
In 2018, I graduated from the NTA as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, training under the brilliant lead instructor Kate Mahoney, FNTP, BCHN, IHS. In 2020, went on to become a certified Functional Supplement Specialist at
The Supplement Academy, also lead by Kate. Since then, my education has continued to grow and evolve through ongoing research and via the works of many functional practitioners and doctors, including
Dr. Paul Saladino.
Throughout 2017-2020, my personal health journey continued when gallstones eventually presented as gallbladder and pancreatic attacks. Unbeknownst to me, the stones began to develop 10-15 years prior due to a chronically low fat diet that I adopted before I was educated in proper nutrition. During extensive gallbladder imaging, tumors were discovered on my liver. It was determined the tumors were due to the high levels of estrogen in my body as a result of hormonal birth control in years past. Fortunately, those tumors are benign and have not grown since discovered. Doctors are certain their cease in growth is directly related to my lifestyle and nutrition changes since 2013. More on my gallbladder, liver, acute pancreatitis, and ultimate recovery
Today, utilizing Primally Balanced as my platform, I help people achieve optimal wellness by determining the root causes of their health concerns, and providing proper nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to bring their body back into balance. Learn more about Nutritional Therapy and how we can work together!
A few other little tidbits about me: I was born and raised in Washington State, but after meeting Harry many years ago we decided to plant some roots and start a family in central Oklahoma. Our little family lives out in the country where we enjoy a hobby farm full of chickens, bees, barn cats, and an Aussie named Jax. Raising kids, and keeping up with the animals is an adventure in itself. In addition to that, I also hold a Bachelors Degree from the University of Oklahoma and have been employed as a white collar crimes investigator since 2006. With a background in investigations, I have an instinct to uncover the truth. Whether that is criminally speaking, or the root cause of a health concern. I utilize my education, experience, and intuition from all facets of my life to set my clients up for success.
I would love to connect with you! Please find me on Instagram and Facebook as @primallybalanced, or drop me a line.